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December 3rd Deadline Looms

posted Nov 27, 2010, 5:22 PM by Justin Beutel   [ updated Dec 1, 2010, 11:19 PM ]
This is a courtesy reminder that the due date for the Registration fees is this Friday, December 3rd. The requirement is to have your checks payable to ASCE at Sacramento State, and to have the envelope postmarked by December 3rd.

If your Student Chapter would like to compete in the Concrete Canoe, Steel Bridge or Water Treatment, the registration fees is $100/school/competition.  The only competitions that require a registration fee is Concrete Canoe, Steel Bridge and Water Treatment.

If your school did not send in the Mailer I receipt confirmation, please include that with your registration.  If you visit the Member Student Chapters page, the schools we have received confirmations from have a name in the primary contact list.  If you do not see a name for your chapter, or see the wrong name let me know and I will make the corrections.

On a side note, the Steel Bridge Chair, Jesse Ogren, is attempting to organize enough testing equipment to have a second loading station.  The CSUS Chapter currently has enough weights and LVDT's to provide a single load station.  If your Chapter has weights and/or LVDTs that you could bring to the competition, please contact Jesse at .  Ideally if two additional Chapters brought weights and LVDTs, we can have an expedited competition, as well as a healthy safety margin.

If you have any problems, questions or concerns, please let me know and I will help resolve any situations promptly.

Thank you all for your hard work.

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