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2014 Mid-Pacific Student Conference

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Last Minute Details

posted Apr 12, 2011, 1:46 AM by Justin Beutel   [ updated Apr 12, 2011, 1:49 AM ]
The conference is quickly approaching and we here on the Mid-Pac Planning Committee wanted to update you with a few last minute details and helpful hints as follows:
  1. Maps designating overnight parking locations for large trucks on the Sac State campus will be dispersed at the Captain's Meeting on Thursday night.
  2. For the events on Friday at the Aquatic Center, please bring blankets or lawn chairs to take advantage of the grassy area where many of the events are taking place, as well as the gravelly sand beach near the waters edge.  Because of this gravelly sand, please also bring flip-flops or water shoes for the beach and for the lake bottom (for students performing dunk test of Concrete Canoe).
  3. Reminder regarding GeoChallenge competition:  The Sandbox Inspection will be on Thursday, April 14th at 7pm at the Preliminary Meeting instead of on Friday, April 15th at the Aquatic Center. 
  4. The location of the YMF Mixer on Friday night will be in Old Sacramento at O'Mally's Irish Pub.  We are also getting a scavenger hunt in Old Sacramento together for the under-age students to participate in.  More details will be provided on Thursday night at the Preliminary Meeting.
  5. The attire for the Mid-Pac Close of Ceremonies Banquet on Saturday, April 16th is semi-formal.  For gentlemen, this means nice slacks, a button up shirt, tie and optional jacket.  For ladies, an evening or cocktail dress or dress pants and dress blouse.  You get the gist....
Please contact us at  if you have any questions.  We look forward to seeing you this weekend!

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